Husband and baby are still fast asleep and I slept an uninterrupted 6 hours last night so I feet great! It also gives me a little time to do a short post on what has been on my mind lately, starting Amélie on solids. I feel like Amélie has been ready for solids for a while now. She is showing all the signs - birth weight (more than) doubled, feeding more at night, good head control, great interest in my meals, etc. I've been doing my research the past couple of weeks by talking to other moms and reading a couple of blogs and books and I think I finally feel ready. I wanted to wait as close to the 6 month mark of solely breastfeeding, but I think 5 1/2 months is close enough and I kind of am excited to start Amélie on her way to becoming a foodie :)
Since waiting a few days in between the introduction of new foods is recommended to pinpoint any allergies, I decided to make a calendar showing what we'll be feeding Amélie. It's your typical first baby food fruits and veggies plus some oatmeal and brown rice mixed in. I decided to skip baby rice as her first food and start her straight on fruits and veggies instead. When I introduce the grains, I will probably end up mixing them with other foods that have been previously introduced. After her first month, I'll probably become a little more adventurous and add some finger foods as well.
*Edit: After writing the two paragraphs above yesterday morning, everyone woke up and I'm just finishing the post now!
^^Here is some of the "gear" we bought.
OXO Tot Baby Food Freezer Tray (forgot to put into the picture!)
Boon Squirt (forgot to put into the picture!)
^^Give me some food now please!
We're off to a castle near Manchester for a wedding the next couple of days and I have 20 minutes to get ready and packed so I should hurry! I probably won't be able to post any updates for a couple of weeks since we are moving and will be internetless for a while, but I'll be sure to keep you all posted on how introducing solids is going once we are back online. Here is a goodie from the other night:
^^She wanted to sleep in the big bed :)