The baby is asleep, I'm having a brownie with strawberries & whipped cream, and I'm actually blogging on time, which makes for a great evening in my eyes. Though A has been away on a business trip all week, Amélie has made it pretty easy for me to take care of her all by myself. She's been a very happy baby recently despite having 5 more teeth trying to poke through at the same time.
I wish I could say that Amélie has been sleeping through the night consistently, but lately she's been waking up at one point in the middle of the night just wanting a little bit of comfort. Nothing is particularly wrong, but I usually just lay by her crib for a little while until she falls asleep again. I think the problem lies in the fact that she is standing up in her crib and not knowing that she can get herself down/back to sleep. There are still nights when she sleeps through, but not nearly as many as I would like!
In the past month, Amélie has been learning how to feed herself so well. She's great at picking up blueberries now with her forefinger and thumb. Almost every meal involves finger foods unless I'm giving her small pasta, cereal, soup or anything stew-y which I will still feed to her. She is starting to become a little bit of a picky eater though with berries, bread, pasta and meatballs at the top of her list and salmon, avocado and melon at the bottom. Her absolute favorite food in the entire world though are clementines. She is so obsessed with them and gets so excited when you even show one to her. If you start peeling it, she is even more elated. She gobbles down an entire one within minutes.
In the past few days, Amélie is loving being upright. She pulls herself up every chance she gets and is slowly starting to cruise around furniture. I am very excited for her to walk, but I know that means even more chasing around the house. She's also learned how to clap last weekend. It happened all of a sudden while she was having dinner and now she's all about clapping, giving high fives and shaking my hand. Plus, she continues to say "da da da" almost all day plus "ma ma ma ma" in a whiny voice when she first wakes up and when we approach dinner time.
The other day while we were paying for something in line, Amélie turns around to the man behind us and says, "dada....DA DA?!" and his simple, but stern response was "NO." It was one of those you had to be there moments and the man was seriously not impressed, but I thought it was funny!
^^Leave her for a minute and she's off to find her bath toys or the recycling.
^^Her favorite spot in the house to destroy.
^^Being silly with daddy after bath time.
^^Slightly too big for her bouncy chair, but so sweet clutching her toothbrush while napping.
^^Easter selfie attempt, having cake at a first birthday party, standing like a boss and watching cartoons
^^Easter fun with Auntie Maria and getting into those cookies!
^^And finally, some prepping for Amélie's first birthday party.
Happy 11 months Amélie, just one more month until you are ONE!