Clara is already two months old and is getting cuter by the minute. I'm feeling much more like a normal person these days by getting more sleep and having more of a routine down. Amélie has started going to preschool three mornings a week which also helps me tremendously.
Clara is such a good little baby. She's grown so much in such a small amount of time (4.9 kilos) and she is long outgrown her newborn clothes and even on to some 6 month clothes.
Breastfeeding is still going well and she continues to feed every 2-3 hours during the day. She's down for the night around 9-10pm and will usually only wake up once in the night for a quick diaper change and feed until she's up for the day around 7. With Amélie I was so worried about a schedule, but Clara just follows along with Amelie's that it all kind of works out.
She's started smiling though it takes some work! She doesn't give out those smiles easily, but when she does it's just the best. I mean, look at the first pic - those eyebrows and that serious face!
Amélie is still very sweet with Clara, but is now asking me for more and more cuddles plus asking me to put the baby down when she needs me. I feel like one of them is always waiting for my attention and I can say that most of my meals are eaten in 5 minutes, standing up. Despite this, I'm much more relaxed about everything this time around. I don't freak out as much if one is crying, breastfeeding in public isn't a huge deal anymore plus I just know that it will all be fine sans worrying.
We're headed for our first trip to Italy since Clara was born in a couple of weeks. She already has her American passport and we are getting her Italian one next week. We have a busy October ahead with lots of weekend activities which we are looking forward to!