Thursday, November 3, 2016

Clara Three Months

Clara is three months old today and I can't believe she's not a little newborn baby anymore. She's been such a a good baby especially this past week when she's slept through the night (9pm-7am) a few days in a row without waking up at all. She's started to wake up again once for a feed, but it's usually pretty quick and she'all go right back to sleep.

She's still feeding about 2-3 hours during the day, but not cluster feeding as much in the evening. She's 5.55 kilos and right below the 50th percentile for her weight. I thought about pumping and giving her a bottle with breastmilk in the beginning, but now I've decided I can't be bothered so exclusive breastfeeding it is!

When she was about 2 months Clara rolled over from her front to her back and this past week, she's done the more difficult manoeuvre of rolling from her back to her front. She's also cooing and babbling a lot plus the most smiley in the morning. She loved playing peekaboo just before bedtime today, I haven't seen her smile/laugh so much!

Amélie continues to be very sweet with her. Today she called her gorgeous and then said, "hello, my precious little baby Clara." Sometimes she'll tell me to put the baby down when she wants to be cuddled, but that's usually around nap/bedtimes or when she's particularly cranky.

We have an exciting weekend ahead with the family in London for Maria's wedding. Then we are looking forward to a couple quiet weekends before Thanksgiving!

Happy 3 months baby Clara.