Friday, February 3, 2017

Clara Six Months

My baby girl Clara is 6 months old today. Time is going by so quickly with Clara. I guess it's probably because she's my second and I kind of know what to expect, but it's seriously flown by these past few months. Clara's favorite thing right now is rolling. I put her on her back and she rolls. At night, she rolls and get upset. She's definitely on her way to crawling too and is already getting herself into position, but not quite ready to move yet. 

Due to the constant rolling, Clara hasn't been sleeping too well these past few weeks. She'll wake herself up in the middle of the night and get really frustrated. I will only feed her once to get her back to sleep because I don't want her to get into the habit of having multiple feeds at night - especially since I know she's getting enough food during the day. She'll eventually fall back to sleep as some shushing, but it's not great for me since she's up so much. She has 2-3 naps during the day and is usually down for the night by 7:30 and up by 7/8ish (not to mention those few wake up in the middle of the night). 

Speaking of food - Clara is having a great time with eating! I still breastfeed her roughly every four hours during the day, but we starting introducing food a couple weeks back and she loves it. The difference between her and Amélie it that she will actually put things in her mouth. I had such a hard time weaning Amélie and she would seal her mouth shut. With Clara, she'll eat whatever I give her. We're doing a mix of purees and baby-led weaning, but she's mainly feeding herself as it's her preference. Her favorite so far are mango, pear, lentil soup and pasta with broth & parmesan. 

Clara loves watching her big sis and Amélie loves giving Clara cuddles. I love the baby voice Amélie does whenever she talks to Clara. I hope they grow up to be great friends. I have lots of pics from this past month, I just couldn't narrow it down. Happy 6 months Clara! 

^^Chowing down on mango, pear & oatmeal cookies (made with banana, almond butter & oats)
^^rolling, rolling, rolling
^^watching tv with daddy & that look on Clara's face when she'd looking at the tablet, haha
^^how cool does Amélie look there? 