Friday, May 19, 2017

Amélie 3 Years Old

My eldest is three years old. She's a little miss - dainty, sweet, funny, delicate and beautiful. She's such a mini-me in so many ways. She doesn't like to be messy (i.e. asks for a napkin and wipes her mouth after each bite of spaghetti, points out any crumb on the ground and loves to pretend to vacuum). She loves her play kitchen and playing hostess. She lines her toys up in straight lines and always wants everything to be perfect. She says, "I love you, mommy" spontaneously and give me a big hug. She loves being creative, practicing ballet and singing more nursery rhymes than I even know. She tries to count to twenty and most times forgets the number six. She says the cutest things and makes me laugh all day, but also knows just how to push my buttons too. 

As she's growing, she's not just my daughter, but becoming my person - my little friend who I chat with right before she goes to bed. She loves when I do her nails and when we have picnics together outside. She helps me bake and is always up for wiping down the kitchen cupboards. She's my little buddy, sidekick and darling girl. 

I love that she loves chicken nuggets (my fav), broccoli, sweet potato fries and mango. She'll request miso soup, but more often bowls of her ultimate favorites - 'belly pasta' (star pasta with bone broth & parmesan) or 'daddy egg' (poached, soft-boiled or over-easy eggs). She loves chocolate cake, apple cinnamon rice cakes and animal crackers too. Most days, she wants to play or watch a show over eating, but we get through it even if there's some promises of sweet treats at the end. Speaking of shows, she's mastered how to use a tablet and has her favorite shows on Netflix she navigates to herself. She's starting to learn her letters and drew the perfect 'x' yesterday without prompting. 

Her English accent is adorable and I can't wait until we visit America so everyone can point out the little phrases she's picked up and tones she uses. She says, 'would you mind..' and 'please may I..' which is all very polite and nice. She's great at preschool now - going two morning and one full day, which is where she is learning from the other children around her and mimicking what she's learned at home. She'll start official school in September 2018, which is scary and exciting at the same time. 

She's also the best sister who can be a bit too loving at times, but it's just in her nature to be affectionate. She loves pushing Clara on the swings and giving her kisses. She also does not like it when Clara destroys the toys she's worked so hard on arranging, but will also bring special baby toys to the park with us so Clara has something as well.

I can go on and on about how wonderful Amélie is, and despite how difficult it is sometimes to take care of an emotional toddler with tantrums and all, thinking this will never end, I do know she's growing up to be such a sweet girl who will definitely have a bright future ahead of her. I mean, she is finally sleeping in her own bed, in her own room and has been fully potty trained for a year now so that's a good start right? But really, she's a superstar and she's three! 

Also, here's a little recap of what we did on her actual birthday this past Tuesday: 
^^We had lunch outside at the playground (sandwiches on whole wheat bread, grapes, snap pea crisps & green tea lemonade for me), then went to the library for books and songs. 
 ^^We baked some cupcakes for Amélie to bring to school and made some marshmallows too.
^^We did one last happy birthday after dinner plus got the cupcakes all ready for school the next day. 

It was a great birthday, but I'm happy to have our regular routine back again too. 

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Amélie's 3rd Birthday Fun

We opted not to have a big birthday party for Amélie this year, mainly since I know she'll be asking for one with all of her friends in the coming years. I thought we should keep it small with just family and it was a perfect way to celebrate this year. We headed up to Nonno & Nonna's house and luckily had sunny weather for a really lovely Sunday lunch ending with lots of birthday presents. 


Strawberry Lemonade 
(made with just blended strawberries, lemon juice, honey & water) 

Grilled Herb Shrimp Skewers
Grilled Steak 
Grilled Chicken with Barbecue Sauce 
Vegetable Skewers

Zucchini and Spring Onion Orzo 

Assorted Berries 
Homemade Chocolate Cake with Chocolate Whipped Cream Icing* and Chocolate Sprinkles
*this is my new favorite - just some heavy or double cream whipped up with powdered sugar, vanilla extract & cocoa powder

Amélie was the cutest when we sang happy birthday to her. She had the sweetest expression on her face and you could tell the pure joy she was feeling. I still can't believe my baby girl is already three years old. Here are some pictures from the past weekend and another post dedicated to Amélie will follow soon too! 

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Clara Nine Months

Sweet baby Clara is nine months old! She's going through a particularly tough stage right now (actually, both girls are) and hasn't been herself the past few days. I see her bottom left tooth just starting to poke through her gums and she is not happy about it. The poor baby has been grumpy needing cuddles constantly and I can't even think about leaving the room without her in my arms (i.e. taking a minute to go to the bathroom is a struggle).

Clara moved out of our room and into her shared room with Amelie a couple of weeks ago. We had a couple of tough nights getting her adjusted, but it wasn't too bad. She then started sleeping through the night until the teething started and now usually wakes up once or twice. I've stopped breastfeeding her during the night as well, which seemed like such a big deal with Amelie, but Clara doesn't seem to mind. Side note - Amelie is also sleeping in her big girl bed and most nights wakes up a couple of times as well. We're back to getting very intermittent sleep followed by wake ups between 5-6am which makes for a very tired household. Nap times are either one long morning and afternoon naps or three short half an hour naps.

Food wise, Clara continues to enjoy mostly all foods I give her. She was a fan of oatmeal with almond butter, but won't really open her mouth for it anymore. She loves strawberries, blueberries and bananas. Scrambled eggs, meatballs and roasted chicken are her favorite proteins. Fusilli pasta is her favorite grain. She loves greek yogurt for dessert. She mainly feeds herself with exception of the more messy stuff. Also, she's graduated fully from stick shapes to cubes too as her pincer grip is on point.

I'm still breastfeeding Clara four times a day and plan to gradually decrease this to just a morning and bedtime feed by the time she's about 11 months. When she's about one, I'm planning to stop breastfeeding to finally gain some freedom back and give her cow's milk as a drink. Speaking of drinks, she's really into drinking water too and gets so excited when I show her her cup.

This weekend, Clara learned how to clap and just the day after, she did it when I asked without showing her what to do! I can't wait for more of these moments as she is learning and growing into a cute little girl.

^middle pic: see what I mean about going to the bathroom?