Thursday, December 18, 2014

Amélie Seven Months

Amélie turned 7 months this week and wow have we seen so many changes in just a few weeks time. She's 16 pounds 15 ounces (7.7 kilos) and right on track being at the 50th percentile for weight. The most exciting development is that she is finally eating! It took a solid month of offering food to her every day until one day she just decided she was ready and now she has three small meals a day along with her normal milk feeds. I think two days of A being very persistent with butternut squash and adding more flavor to her food helped. Her favorites so far are oatmeal with banana and cinnamon, green beans with pear and split pea soup. I'm so happy and relieved she's starting to eat plus looking forward to expanding her palate more.

Milk feeds are still the same as her routine at six months. I've given her water after meals in a sippy cup numerous times, but this week was the first time she grasped the concept and drank some! I'm skipping giving her a bottle completely since I'm with her all of the time anyways now and hopefully by the time I have to go to work, she'll be weaned completely anyways.

As of the past week, Amélie's favorite way to get around it by rolling. If she see's a toy she wants not within reach, she just rolls, spins around on her tummy to get to the right position and rolls again. I'll put her down sitting on one end of the playmat and usually find her on her tummy or back on the opposite end. Her favorite activity lately has been ripping napkins, tissue paper, Christmas catalogs or pretty much anything she can get a hold of. She tried to rip some curling ribbon one day and was very determined, but very upset when it just wasn't ripping like the paper.

Other than that we've been busy this week with a few play dates seeing her baby friends before Christmas. She's still waking up once or twice a night to feed and is up for the day by 7 usually, which means I really need to go to bed now! We're off to the Canary Islands this weekend for Christmas. I remember feeling Amélie move for the first time on a bumpy road while we were there last year and now we get to go with her again, though this time not in my belly!

And a few pictures:
^^She was sitting on the rug just moments before, then decided she was done with taking pics. 
^^From L to R: makeup lesson; bundled in the stroller, Christmas class, opening gifts from Auntie Tiff
^^Cute little shoes, thanks room. 

Happy 7 months Amélie!

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