Friday, July 7, 2017

Clara Eleven Months

Those fingers, always in her mouth! My baby Clara is 11 months now. Seriously, how is she one in a few weeks? She's starting to walk, talk and understand more each day. She can show me where her head is, say 'uh oh' when she falls down or drops something and says 'up' when she wants to get out of her highchair. She mainly cruises around furniture, but these past few days she's been taking 10 or more steps in a row on her own!

Her new nickname is adventure sausage because she's also looking for the next best thing to discover. She's all over the place, climbing on things, getting into where she's not supposed to go and for some reason loves going under chairs and tables. She ordered Fifty Shades Darker on the Fire Stick Remote by accident and has a new love for Teletubbies, especially the opening scene. 

We just got back from Greece last week where there was a two hour time difference we're still adjusting to getting back on track. She's been waking up 4am, but I can usually get her back down until at least 6am. Other than that, she's been a champ at sleeping through the night. 

I'm happy to report that Clara is still eating very well. Her favorites lately are homemade applesauce with greek yogurt, mozzarella, pasta, green beans and clementines. She's not loving avocado as much recently, but still loves her blueberries, strawberries and pears. I've dropped breastfeeds down to one in the morning and right before bed. She doesn't seem to mind having a snack rather milk in the afternoon plus it gives me the chance to have a few kid free hours once in a while. 

I've been just finalizing her first birthday at the end of the month. We're doing a small breakfast in London which should be easy and fun. Can't wait for this nugget to grow up some more! 

 ^^When I try to make them smile unsuccessfully

 ^^See what I mean about being an adventure sausage? 

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