Friday, August 4, 2017

Clara Twelve Months

Photoshoots with this girl are tough so we did an impromptu one at the park too today. I spent the night before Clara's birthday looking back at picture from the year and wondering how my little baby has become such a little adventure sausage! She climbs on furniture, loves throwing things while saying 'blahhhh', says dada when the phone rings and is always running after her sister. 

Clara started walking very soon after she turned eleven months. Just after a few weeks now and she's almost running or trying to, but still stumbling here and there. Right after she started walking, she never looked back to crawling and seriously just wants to keep up with her sister. Her talking has also been progressing quite well too. Mama, dada, up, down, hi, bye and lamby (her new cuddle toys) are the main words, but she understands so much more and gets so excited when I suggest the right thing like when I ask her if she wants her water. I'll ask her to find lamby and she'll bring him back to me plus she's getting better at putting toys into containers. She loves brushing her teeth and going on the slide (and climbing up it). She's learned how to climb onto the sofa and try to jump off the side. Also, she found a red marker one day and totally stained my pretty beige footstool (throw blanket is now permanently living on top of it). 

She's still eating really well and has been loving salmon, cauliflower, raspberries, banana, peas and of course pasta. Her breastfeeding schedule is still just morning and evening and though it will be nice to be able to get away for a night kid-less, I'm just going to go with it naturally and she how long she wants a feed and soon drop probably the morning feed then the evening one. 

Clara has been a great sleeper (knock on wood!) this past month. She's asleep by 7:30ish and wakes up usually by 6:30 though she did sleep in to almost 8 the other day! Napping is starting to evolve to just one a day though she usually still has a short nap in the morning and a longer one in the afternoon. Her top four teeth are starting to come through and I'm happy to say this hasn't been affecting her sleep too much just general grumpiness throughout the day. 

Happy happy one year Clara! 

^^always searching for snacks - i.e. getting a hold of the Cheerios
^^banana oat waffle smash cake with whipped cream, peaches and blueberries!

and for some sisterly love...
^^ending with this gem. 

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