Sunday, May 4, 2014

Week 36

How far along? 36 Weeks, 6 Days
Total weight gain: About 15 kilos, baby girl is getting pretty heavy to carry around
Gender: Girl
Sleep: Waking up for the bathroom and due to pregnancy carpal tunnel particularly in my right hand, pretty uncomfortable for the past week especially
Best moment(s) this week: Our virtual baby shower, making more progress on Baby Senso's room, and the foodie festival we went to in Brighton today.
Miss Anything?: Just not feeling huge anymore. I've started to wear A's t-shirts more and more since they are way more comfortable now than anything else.
Movement: Yes, lots of stretching her legs to the right of my belly
Food cravings: Still chocolate, more specifically chocolate covered pretzels. The McDonald's cheeseburger craving has started to come back, but I've resisted!
Labor Signs: Nope
Belly Button in or out? Outie
Wedding rings on or off? On still, but my hands have been getting more swollen so I usually leave them off when I'm just at home
Happy or Moody most of the time: More and more moody. There's just a lot going on with just a few more weeks to go and I'm just all around emotional.
Looking forward to: A calm few weeks (hopefully!) ahead with time to just focus on preparing for the baby. That means laundry, organizing, freezer meals and general nesting plus sleeping all I can. A and I have been taking advantage of being able to eat out and going to the movies (Bad Neighbors is so funny by the way and so appropriate to our lives right now).

Other updates: I'm almost finished with getting everything together for my hospital bag, just need the car seat to be delivered to be completely ready. We also had a tour of the hospital where I will be delivering. It was very quiet and calm with a bunch of private rooms and also birthing pools, which is now making me think possibly a water birth? I need to do some more research, but it sounds like it could be calming? We had our first NCT (National Childbirth Trust) antenatal class this week, which is actually taught by an American whose been living in the UK for years which is cool. She gave us our range of May 6 to June 10 of when Baby Senso could arrive. May 6 is Tuesday! Though I cannot wait to meet baby girl, I hope she stays cozy in my belly for a little while longer.

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