Wednesday, May 28, 2014

First Week with Amélie

^^Just hanging out in bed one morning. Her bangs are already getting so long, I think she'll need a haircut soon! 

Amélie's First Week
she eats every 2-3 hours with the exception of one 3-4 hour stretch at night 
she hates not being dressed - particularly being changed and sponge baths (i.e. she was crying so much one day when A was changing her diaper, he forgot to put on a fresh one, then left for work and I was left with a surprise of poo all over her onesie and bouncer) 
she farts (loudly) whenever she poos
she loves to be cuddled (especially in a towel after a bath) 
she loves tummy time with dad and can lift her head up really well 
she loves being carried over one shoulder
she lets us sleep for at least one 3-4 hour stretch per a night 
she sometimes snores when she sleeps
she falls asleep in cars right away (just like me) 
she needs a little tap on the ear to remember to stay awake when eating

^^Just after a bath. She's already starting to pull my hair, but she just looks so adorable with her hooded towel. 

First Week Favorites 
aden + anais swaddles: i use these as blankets, for feeding and just to swaddle (arms out) 
lansinoh soothies: another lifesaver 
sugar snap files: for my diaper bag, it keeps everything so organized
stokke scoot car seat adapter: so easy to attach to the stroller and we don't have to wake amelie up if she is sleeping and need to take her out of the car and put her onto the stroller 
plastic mason jar water bottle: i get really thirsty breastfeeding so i always have this water bottle nearby
granola bars: for those random 3am feedings when not only is baby hungry, but mom is too 
zip-up onesies: much easier than the million snaps they put on baby clothes
what to expect the first year: a good resource for an overview of just about everything
online grocery shopping: so good when it's difficult to leave the house with a newborn

^^This is her "please mom, stop taking pictures and bothering me. i'm trying to sleep" face. She does this a lot. :) 

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