This post is a little late since we were on vacation last week (more to come on that later this week), but this little one you see above turned two months old last week. I took her to be weighed this morning and she is right on track at 11 pounds and 9 ounces (5.26 kilos), right in the 50th percentile. Today's fun event was in the few seconds she was on the scale sans diaper, she peed, obviously.
In the past few weeks, she's started smiling and cooing more and more at us! The first real smiles happened around 6 weeks and were towards the monkey attached to her bouncy chair. (Though she's much more into the penguin these days.) Most days she's a pretty happy girl particularly in the mornings when she is the most smiley. Of course she has her moments with what I like to call "scream crying," but it usually doesn't last very long. She had her first set of vaccines a couple weeks back, which wasn't too fun. Before the appointment, I put her in her bouncy chair and she was very smiley and getting along very well with the monkey. Later on in the day after her injections, she didn't smile once at monkey and kept shooting him evil looks (I think she thought monkey had something to do with those mean injections), it was very cute.
Other developments - she's officially grown out of all of her newborn clothes and moved on to the 0-3 month sizes. I can't believe how much she's grown in just a few weeks. I'm still solely breastfeeding and it's going well. Rather than every 2 hours, I can sometimes stretch it to more like 3 or 4 hours during the day. She still clenches her fists so tight when she's eating like she'll fight anyone who even dares to try and come near her milk. Also, we've had a bunch of nights where she's slept 5-6 hour stretches, which is awesome for me! The new thing she's done in the past week is munching on her hand when she's hungry. She used to cry, but now that's becoming less and less as I am also learning to read her cues of when she's hungry/tired/cranky, etc. I've always heard you can tell the different cries of a baby, but they also sounded the same to me before I had Amélie. Now I know this to be very true and can tell when she's just pissed off or if something is wrong.
It's really nice that she is becoming much more alert and interactive. I see this when she's in her play gym and she focuses on certain toys. She also loves looking in the mirror and trying to figure out exactly who that baby in the mirror is :) Other than that, it's been really nice out this past week and we've been going out for walks. We've signed up for a baby sensory class and she'll go to swimming classes on Saturdays with A both starting in September so lots to look forward to. We are just more and more in love with her every day and can't get over how sweet and adorable she is. She really is the best. Happy two months little Amélie.
^^One of her favorite positions to sleep in.
^^The many little faces of Amélie.
^^My fav of this week, a little night time tummy time with bunny.
I am loving all the photos. She is soo cute. I like the pics of her and the stuff animals. Looks like she is making some friends. Lol :)